Thursday, December 5, 2013

Mahatma Gandhi

MAHATMA GANDHI (02.10.1869-30.01.1948)
Gandhi brought up the workers and peasants of India in to freedom struggle. As a result of many agitations and movements(The INA movement by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Captain Lakshmi etc and  the revolutionary movements by Bhagath Singh  Chandrasekhar Azad, Rajguru, Ram Prasad Bismil, Udam Singh,Mangal Pandey etc)British colonials forced to leave India on 15 Aug 1947.

Gandhi was conscious that the freedom was not a freedom of his dreams. There fore he deliberately kept away from the celebrations and he was moving from village to village, consoling men, women and children who had suffered in the communal holocaust. He suggested to the Congress that it should cease to be a political party fighting election and confine itself to serving the people through a non political LOK SEVA SANGH.
He was disappointed because of the division of India and Pakistan which had disastrous consequences for the cause of Hindu- Muslim unity. Gandhi undertake the last hunger strike of his life against the anti muslim and anti Pakistan attitude of Nehru Govt, particularly Home Minister Sri Sardar Vallabai Patel.
It may be well stated that the Mahatma, who was the leader of the freedom struggle for a full quarter of a century was the first and solitary leader of opposition in free India.
While heading the mass movement, he was wrecking it through his insistence of NON VIOLANCE, and TRUSTEESHIP. After independence he struck to his principles while his valued colleagues deserted him.
Gandhi as a politician lead the Bourgeois- Landlord class in India towards the ruling class of the country, as a saintly personality his life was a tragedy for principles for which he stood.
On this day a proper review may be conducted to assess the contribution of Mahatma Gandhi.

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