Sunday, November 1, 2009

Com. Ananthan Nambiar

October 11 - Remembering the great leader.

Com.K.Anandan Nambiar

“Death is the common end of all. The gap will be filled up soon”.

Thus spoke a philosopher years ago in a cryptic comment when an eminent world leader passed away. But at least in the case of Com.K.Anandan Nambiar this saying has not come true. For, ten years have rolled by after the demise of this great leader on 11th October 1991 and the railway trade union movement is yet to find a leader of Com.Nambiar’s qualities.
Com.Nambiar had actively involved himself in trade union work within a year of his joining railway as a fuel clerk in Golden rock workshop in 1938. In those days of British colonial rule, railway workers were paid very meager salary and forced to work under miserable conditions. By organising these workers who were treated almost like slaves, instilling self-respect and working class consciousness and enabling them to work and live with human dignity, and taking the leading role in umpteen struggles in the cause of workers, Com.Nambiar had earned a permanent place in the hearts of railway men. He did not confine his work to railway trade union, but participated in people’s struggles during British rule and later during the period of bourgeoisie-land lord capitalist rule after independence. Within 3 years of joining the union (then S I R Labour union) and that too at the young age of 24,Nambiar became its General Secretary. In 1946 at the age of 28, he got elected as an MLA in Madras Assembly from the railway constituency defeating the congress candidate by more than 20000 votes. Nambiar made another history when he, a railway trade union leader, defeated railway minister Santhanam in parliament election for Mayavaram constituency in 1952.He was elected again to parliament in 1962 and 1967. He had made a mark in parliament crusading there for the cause of railway workers and the downtrodden people. Several terms of imprisonment, underground life, brutal assault by police at Golden rock on September 5,1946 during the railway strike and tireless work for nearly 50 years had shattered his physique. Due to failing health Com.Nambiar stepped down from the post of DREU president in 1990 but continued as Vice-president till his death in 1991.
Those who had the opportunity to know him closely shall ever remember that there lived a railway trade union leader who was an embodiment of friendliness, honesty, sincerity, simplicity, straight forwardness, innocence, humbleness, utmost courage and strict punctuality. At this juncture when railway men are being put to severe hardship due to the policies of the central government, the life and work of great leaders like Com.Nambiar shall inspire us and take us along the right path to strengthen our organization and serve the working class and our country.



dhananjay ks said...

can you send me a photo of "com ananthan nambiar

e mail -

Ramachandran said...

please send a pic of him to a journalist

Unknown said...

This is my great makes me so happy to know that he is remembered..

Unknown said...

Happy to learn that you're our great leader's grandchild. Your name and email id, please