Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dr.MK Pandhe about SK Dhar in FIRE,Nov 08.

COMRADE S.K. DHAR – A Valiant Fighter for Railwaymen

- M.K. Pandhe

It was a matter of great shock to us when Comrade S.K. Dhar passed away on 15th September 2008 in All India Institute of Medical Sciences.

I had an occasion to meet him two days before his passing away. He was fighting for his life and doctors were doing their best to save his life. However he could not be saved and a veteran leader of the Loco Running Staff and Indian Railway men left us for ever.

He was not keeping good health for several months. But he was continuing his activities even ignoring his health. He was feeling extremely sorry that he could not pay proper attention due to his illness to All India Loco Running Staff Association, an organization he built and developed from the scratch.

The Loco Running Staff in Indian Railways had launched several struggles to fight for 8 hour day. They have paralyzed the railway network to press for their demands. The Govt. of India gave promises but violated them non-chalantly. The Loco Running Staff continued their struggle against the anti-labour policies of the Govt. of India. Com. S.K. Dhar played a leading role in these struggles and guided running staff braving all difficulties.

The running staff faced large scale victimization in their struggles. Undeterred by the victimization they carried forward their struggles and compelled the Govt. to withdraw several victimization measures. Com. Dhar was fighting heroically to oppose the repressive measures.

In 1974 glorious strike of Indian railway men the Loco Running staff played a meritorious role. Their contribution to make the railway men’s’ strike was remarkable and Com. S.K. Dhar was at the forefront of this heroic strike battle.

Com. Dhar was a strong critique of the Sixth Pay Commission. He correctly pointed out the discrimination done to the Loco-running staff and Indian railway men by the Pay Commission. Despite his falling health he took interest in ensuring that loco-running staff expresses their strong opposition to the discriminatory treatment given by the Sixth Pay Commission.

I have seen Com. Dhar participating in all campaigns and struggles of Sponsoring Committee of Indian Trade Unions and National Platform of Mass Organization. He was always trying to involve the railway workers in the nationwide struggle of the working class against the policies of the Government. Com. Dhar played a leading role in several demonstrations organized by All India Loco Running staff Association in New Delhi on their pressing demands.

He was one of the founders of Confederation of Indian Railway men. He did his best to keep the organization active and fought against all attempts to disrupt the organization. He always stood for unity of the class.

Comrade Dhar was a strong champion of the principle of class struggle. Without struggle workers would achieve nothing, Comrade Dhar used to say.

I had an acquaintance with him for about 4 decades and found that he was a sincere trade unionist. He had nothing in his mind except the profound interests of the working class.

I had an occasion to attend some conferences of AILRSA and found that he was loved by all the members of the association. He was never functioning like a boss. He was always mixing with the rank and file workers who always felt he was one amongst them.

Comrade Dhar was a great and valuable friend of CITU. He always co-operated with CITU in its activities and made AILRSA a friendly organization to CITU.

The passing away of Comrade Dhar was a great loss to the trade union movement in India. The loco running staff should carry forward the struggle left unfinished by Comrade Dhar so that the organization continues to play a positive role in the trade union movement.

Comrade Dhar was a strong believer in the philosophy of socialism. He advocated that without abolition of the capitalist system and establishment of socialist society the toiling masses would not be able to enjoy fruits of their labour in the world.

Comrade Dhar’s wife Amima is a brave woman. I saw her facing great odds in the last days of Comrade Dhar. Even after his passing away she faced the loss of her husband with fortitude. His daughter Rathi and son Diptarup faced the eventuality with equal courage. They are worthy children of their commendable father.

Long live the memory of Comrade S.K. Dhar!

Red salute to Comrade S.K. Dhar!!

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