Monday, September 28, 2009

Surjeet-Prakash karat

Remembering Comrade Surjeet
Article From People's Democracy, August 02, 2009

Prakash Karat

IT is a year since Comrade Harkishan Singh Surjeet died on August 1, 2008. With this came to an end an eventful life that made a big contribution to the Communist movement in the country.

Friday, September 18, 2009

May Day-MK Pandhe


- Dr.M.K. Pandhe ,President CITU

It was a great occasion filled with revolutionary emotions, when I got the opportunity to visit Chicago to pay homage to the valiant memory of the heroic martyrs of Chicago on 6 July 2008 who scarified their life in 1886. They fought for implementation of eight hour day but brutal suppression of their legitimate struggle which evoked strong protests all over the world. The International Labour Congress held in Paris on 14 July 1889 while observing hundredth Anniversary of French Revolution gave a call to observe May 1 as the day of International Solidarity of the working class which led the foundation of May Day all over the world. The Second International which met in Geneva in 1892 endorsed the call.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dr.MK Pandhe about SK Dhar in FIRE,Nov 08.

COMRADE S.K. DHAR – A Valiant Fighter for Railwaymen

- M.K. Pandhe

It was a matter of great shock to us when Comrade S.K. Dhar passed away on 15th September 2008 in All India Institute of Medical Sciences.