Sunday, February 15, 2009

Com. E Balanandan

Comrade E Balanandan

Comrade E Balanandan, a veteran trade union leader, a stalwart of the working class movement of the country and former President of CITU, passed away on 19th January 2009 at Kochi. He was 84 and was suffering from a prolonged illness.

Born in a working class family, Com Balanandan always used to take pride in identifying himself as a worker. He had to fight poverty in his childhood and started working at a very early age taking up various jobs first in a toddy shop, then as a painter, as a worker in a steel erection unit and later joined the General Electric Company as an electrician. During this period he started organising the workers in the entire industrial area. He was victimised and dismissed several times for leading working class struggles. He also played an important role in the famous Punnapara Vayalar struggle.
Com Balanandan also earned distinction in championing the cause of toiling people in the legislative forums including Parliament. He was a member of Kerala Assembly during 1967 to 1969 and 1970 to 1976. He was elected to Lok Sabha in 1980 and also served as a member of Rajya Sabha during 1988 - 2000.
Com. Balanandan was maintained a close relation ship with AILRSA as a trade union leader. We express our heartfelt condolence to his family.

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