Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Che Guevera

Che Guevara

Ernesto "Che" Guevara

Date of birth: June 14, 1928,Place of birth: Rosario, Argentina, Date of death: October 9, 1967 (aged 39)
Place of death: La Higuera, Bolivia

Bhagat Singh

Shaheed Bhagat Singh:
An Immortal Revolutionary - (28.09.1907- 23.03.1931) - Ashok Dhawale

Human history from the times of Charvaka and Spartacus is illuminated with a galaxy of shining martyrs who have died for noble and progressive causes dearer to them than their own lives. In the modern age, the greatest martyrs have been those who laid down their lives fighting the barbaric scourge of imperialism.